1.1 What do Teachers Do?
Professional Standards
Follow these links to see the professional standards for the different areas of the UK, and reflect on what these mean as you set out on your teaching career. These standards support Unit 1.1, and can also be looked at in conjunction with the Core Content Framework Links in the Extra Resources section.
1.2: Beginning Teacher’s Roles and Responsibilities
Table 1.2.4 Ten Tenets of Collaborative Professionalism
Working with others is a key professional requirement of teachers. These flashcards have been created from Table 1.2.3 in the textbook, and can be used to quickly revise the ten aspirational principles of collaborative professionalism in teaching (Hargreaves and O’Connor, 2018).
1.3: Developing Your Resilience: Managing Stress, Workload, and Time
Task 1.3.1 Building your resilience
Dr Daniel Siegel presenting a Hand Model of the Brain
- Watch neurologist Dr. Daniel Siegel presenting the hand model of the brain on YouTube.
- Reflect on how the hand model may explain why you or a pupil may feel stupid or unable to think when confronted with something that relates to a prior bad experience.
- Identify times you have been in your comfort, growth and danger zones. Create your own growth zone diagram. Add in key words that help you notice what you experience in each zone. See example in figure 1.3.2 below.

Figure 1.3.2
An example of a growth zone diagram
- Select some ways to build your resilience from the previous list. For each, reflect on your own situation and how you might improve it. If you select devising challenging targets, what are your current targets for development? Are they sufficiently challenging or could the challenge be increased but still be attainable?
- Store your reflections, work on them and review your progress in a month.
1.4: Using Digital Technologies for Professional Practice
E-Safety and online identity: a self-assessment tool
Use this checklist to self-assess your own knowledge and understanding of e-safety and online identity. Use your results to identify which competencies you need to develop further.
1.4 e-Safety Self-Assessment DownloadEntry
- I have a basic understanding of the definitions of e-safety and cyberbullying.
- I understand basic e-safety prevention strategies and safety tips.
- I understand my school’s e-safety policies, how these relate to and support safeguarding, and the implications this has for my practice.
- I understand the difference between personal and professional use of online sites and communications technologies.
- I am aware of the importance of looking after my online professional reputation, using privacy settings and ‘friending’ or connecting to others appropriately.
- I understand my responsibilities under the Data Protection Act with regard to the electronic management and protection of pupils’ information.
- I am able to provide my pupils with basic tips about how to stay safe online, including how to deal with online bullying, and how to save evidence.
- I can address cyberbullying disclosures and key e-safety issues (for example, bringing the school’s name into disrepute online, accessing inappropriate content in school and sexting) and understand how to report these appropriately.
- I am aware of what current research tells us about young people’s use of technology and the opportunities and risks relating to this.
- I can manage security and privacy settings in a range of platforms and services.
- I understand issues relating to the management of pupil data and information and take responsibility for ensuring it is used appropriately, responsibly and with proper permission.
- I support my pupils in understanding their rights and responsibilities in online environments, and in developing a positive online presence.
- I understand the importance of modelling the positive use of technologies for young people and I do this in a range of ways.
- I understand how to identify, manage and address the risks associated with learning and teaching in a range of online environments.
- I keep up to date with the wide range of online, mobile and gaming technologies young people use and the key ways in which they use them.
- I ensure the whole school community (pupils, staff, parents and carers, governors) are actively involved in understanding and addressing e-safety issues.
Figure 1.4.3 Asynchronous online teaching
Asynchronous online teaching:
Pupils learn from instruction—such as pre-recorded video lessons or game-based learning tasks that they complete on their own—that is not being delivered in person or in real time. (Finol, 2020) (https://www.brynmawr.edu/blendedlearning/asynchronous-vs-synchronous-learning-quick-overview)
Face-to-Face teaching:
That takes place 100% in a classroom. Technology may or may not be used to enhance learning. (College of DuPage, n.d, p.3)
Web-enhanced/Blended teaching:
The words “hybrid” and “blended” are used interchangeably, but in fact they mean different things. Blended Teaching takes place in a classroom, but technology is used to facilitate activities, deliver content, and/or assess pupils. (College of DuPage, n.d:3)

Hybrid teaching:
Combines face-to-face and online teaching into one cohesive experience. Approximately half of the class sessions are face-to-face, while the other half of pupils work online off-site. (College of DuPage, n.d, p.3)
Synchronous online teaching:
This learning refers to all types of learning in which pupil(s) and teachers(s) are in the same virtual place, at the same time, in order for learning to take place (Finol, 2020) (https://www.brynmawr.edu/blendedlearning/asynchronous-vs-synchronous-learning-quick-overview)
Emergency Response Teaching (ERT):
ERT is a temporary shift of the mode of delivery to an alternative mode of delivery due to crisis circumstances. It involves the use of fully remote teaching solutions for teaching and learning that would otherwise be face-to-face or as blended or hybrid and that will return to that format once the crisis or emergency has abated. (Hodges et al, 2020) (https://er.educause.edu/articles/2020/3/the-difference-between-emergency-remote-teaching-and-online-learning)

Task 1.4.6 Your digital competence SELFIE
Complete your own self-reflective digital competence selfie by using the SELFIE for Teachers tool (https://education.ec.europa.eu/selfie-for-teachers). Once you have completed the SELFIE statements you will automatically receive a report on your proficiency level in each of the digital competence areas and suggested next steps. In addition, you will receive a certificate and a digital badge. Revisit and review your SELFIE certificate and update your knowledge at regular intervals during your ITE programme.