Learning to Teach in the Secondary School
A Companion to School Experience
9th Edition
Welcome to the companion website for Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, 9th Edition. The updated ninth edition offers advice on all aspects of teaching and learning, including the science of learning, online pedagogies and working with your mentor. There are also expanded units on diversity and inclusion and teacher wellbeing.

How to use this site
We hope that many readers will develop a good level of familiarity with the book and website, and then return to them to dip into specific chapters at different times during the academic year to support their deepening understanding. The explainer videos on each chapter page give a useful introduction and overview for the chapter, and are designed to be used either independently or during group work. Many of the materials can be downloaded and used independently or as set tasks during initial teacher education. We advise that you familiarise yourself with the range of support materials and remember to check this chapter by chapter.
If you are working to UK frameworks or teachers’ standards, you will find the mapping document provided in the Extra Resources especially helpful when looking at the core concepts: behaviour, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and professional behaviours.