Chapter 5

Multiple Choice Questions

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Exam Questions

Discussion Questions  

How has American economic power influenced relations with Latin America in the 20th century?   

Contrast the Good Neighbor Policy to the policies of American presidents towards Latin America before 1933.   

What was “gunboat diplomacy”?   

To what extent did Wilsonian idealism apply to relations with Latin America?   

To what extent was American policy towards Latin America driven by United States economic interests in the region, rather than American global security concerns?   

How successful was the Pan-American movement in politically uniting the hemisphere before 1945?   

Why did the United States become increasingly involved in Latin American affairs from the 1890s?   

How did the United States organize the western hemisphere for war in the 1930s?   

How did the United States reconcile the Monroe Doctrine with internationalism in the forming of the UN?   

Was Theodore Roosevelt motivated more by economic or strategic interests in pushing expansion of empire in the 1900s?    

Exam Questions 

How has the Monroe Doctrine been employed by the US in its relations with Latin America?   

Did the Good Neighbor policy truly change the American relationship with Latin America?   

Compare and contrast the Latin American policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.  text of 1936 Declaration of Principles of Inter-American Solidarity and Cooperation, Buenos Aires.  – text and analysis of Ruben Dario’s note to Theodore Roosevelt on US intervention in Latin America – text database listing US military interventions in Latin America – text and audio of FDR’s Good Neighbor speech  – explanation of Declaration of Panama 1939  – documents on US intervention in Mexico 1914 – US statement of policy in Cuba 1933 – text of Theodore Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine – text of 1903 Platt Amendment protecting Cuban independence  

Address Before the Pan American Conference on Arbitration and Conciliation, Washington, D.C. | The American Presidency Project ( – text of Coolidge statement at Pan-American Conference in Havana 1928  


Gerwarth, Robert, & Erez Manela, “The Great War as a Global War:  Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order, 1911-1923,” Diplomatic History 38:4 (2014) 786-800.   

Gorman, Daniel, The Emergence of International Society in the 1920s, (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2012).   

Jacobs, Matthew F., “World War I:  A War (and Peace?) for the Middle East,” Diplomatic History 38:4 (2014) 776-785.   

Louro, Michele L., Comrades against Imperialism:  Nehru, India, and Interwar Internationalism (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2018).   

Pedersen, The Guardians:  The League of Natins and the Crisis of Empire (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).   

Samuel, Annie Tracy, “The Open Door and U.S. Policy in Iraq between the World Wars,” Diplomatic History 38:5 (2014) 926-952.   

Stubbings, Matthew, “Free Trade Empire to Commonwealth of Nations:  India, Britain and Imperial Preference, 1903-1932”, International History Review 41:2 (2019) 323-344.   

Thomas, Martin, “French Empire Elites and the Politics of Economic Obligation in the Interwar Years,” Historical Journal 52:4 92009) 989-1016.   

Thomas, Martin & Andrew Thompson, “Empire and Globalisation:  From ‘High Imperialism’ to Decolonisation,” International History Review 36:1 (2014) 142-170.   

White, Nicholas J, J. M. Barwise, & Shakila Yacob, “Economic Opportunity and Strategic Dilemma in Colonial Development:  Britain, Japan and Malaya’s Iron Ore, 1920s to 1950s,” International History Review 42:2 (2020) 424-446.