The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-2023
Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Questions
Discussion Questions
How did the 1948 Arab-Israeli War influence regional politics in the 1950s?
What were the different reasons for Britain, France, and Israel attacking Egypt in 1956?
To what extent was the Arab-Israeli war of 1967 an accident?
How did Sadat’s political fortunes change with the 1973 War?
What did Ariel Sharon hope to accomplish by intervening in Lebanon in 1982?
What effects did the intifada have on regional politics after 1987?
Why did the peace process of the 1990s break down?
How did the Cold War influence conflict in the Middle East?
How have global attitudes towards Israel shift, 1948-2006?
What effect has Hamas had on the peace process in the 2000s?
Exam Questions
To what extent have the Arab-Israeli conflicts been driven by great power politics rather than local interests?
How have Palestinians sought independence since 1948?
How successful have superpower-mediated peace plans been in shaping the Middle East since 1948?
Weblinks – text of US assessment of Soviet threat in the Near East 1951 – text of 1967 UN resolution on peace in the Middle East – text of Eisenhower doctrine on the Middle East 1957 – text of US intelligence on Arab intentions to initiate hostilities in 1973 – text of discussion between US and Israel in 1973 – UN General Assembly Resolution 997 regarding war in the Sinai 1956 – 1964 Arab summit resolution calling for the destruction of Israel – 1967 UN Security Council Resolution calling for Israeli evacuation of occupied territory – text of 1947 UN Resolution 181 on Palestine – text of UN Security Council Resolution 338 relating to war of 1973
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