Asia in Turmoil: Nationalism, Revolution and the Rise of the Cold War, 1945-1953.
Multiple Choice Questions
Exam Questions
Discussion Questions
How did Indian independence influence Asian regional politics in the late 1940s and early 1950s?
Compare and contrast the British, French, and Dutch experiences in restoring empire in Southeast Asia after 1945.
Why did America respond differently to conflict in Indochina and Indonesia after 1945?
Why did the CCP win the Chinese Civil War?
What role did the superpowers play in the course of the Chinese Civil War?
Could the US have built a relationship with Communist China in the early 1950s?
How did American policy towards Japan shift, 1948-1950?
What role did Japan play in American plans for Asian stability?
What missteps did the superpowers make in their handling of the Korean War?
How did American policy towards East Asia change with the Korean War?
Exam Questions
How did the upheaval at the end of the Second World War contribute to the Cold War in Asia?
How did the CCP victory in the Chinese Civil War influence American foreign policy in Asia?
What were the interests of the United States, Soviet Union, and China in the Korean War?
Weblinks – text of UN report on Korean situation 1950 – text of Eisenhower correspondence with Diem 1954 – video of Korean War newsreel footage – text of Dean Acheson memo on US position on China 1949 – text of NSC document on US policy after Korean War armistice 1953 – presidential message on assistance to China 1948 – Text of 1947 US report on South Korean situation – US Report on Courses of Action in Korea, November 1950 – text of 1949 proposal for anti-Communist union of Asian peoples – Memorandum on situation in China
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James, Leslie & Elisabeth Leake, eds., Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence (London: Bloomsbury, 2015).
McGarr, Paul M., The Cold War in South Asia: Britain, the United States and the Indian Subcontinent (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
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Prott, Volker, “‘We have to tread warily’: East Pakistan, India and the Pitfalls of Foreign Intervention in the Cold War, Cold War History 23:1 (2023) 23-44.
Seung Mo Kant, “The Question of South Korean Participation in the Japanese Peace Treaty”, International History Review 44:1 (2022) 113-128.
Son, Kyengho, “The Establishment and the Role of the State-Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting during the Korean War,” War in History 27:2 (2020) 307-323.
Thakur, Vineet, “An Asian Drama: The Asian Relations Conference, 1947”, International History Review 41:3 (2019) 673-695.
Wehrle, Edmund F., “‘Syndromes’ and ‘Solutions’: The Korean War and the Vietnam War, 1950-1973”, Diplomatic History 44:4 636-663.