Chapter 10 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Jonathan Hammersmith worked as an undercover officer for the Sometown Police Department. For the past six months, he had been working deep undercover investigating a drug ring in Sometown Heights. His handler was Fred Rich. Hammersmith met with Rich every other week to update him on the progress of the investigation and […]

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Chapter 9 Case Studies


Case Study 1 John Smith, a 20-year-old defendant, was charged with rape and murder. Sadie Lennon had been discovered in her apartment, brutally raped, with her head severed. When police arrested Smith, he exhibited strange behavior, arguing with people who weren’t there and hitting himself. At one point, he picked up the table and flung […]

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Chapter 8 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Leon Keller was facing a charge of driving under the influence in Sometown. Police had pulled him over after he crossed the yellow line, and he had failed a field sobriety test. Tests confirmed his blood alcohol levels were above the legal limit, and so he had been charged. This was the […]

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Chapter 7 Case Studies

Case Study 1 Henrietta Snodgrass had been charged with running an illegal gambling ring out of the back of the Sometown Pub. One of the witnesses in her trial, Marge Sampson, Snodgrass’s former associate, had been granted immunity in exchange for her testimony against Snodgrass. In order to build a case against Snodgrass, several people […]

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Chapter 6 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Police were dispatched to an apartment “to assist an elderly woman who was hurt.” When they arrived, they found an elderly woman in the kitchen lying in a pool of blood. They check her pulse. She was dead. They immediately began a sweep of the apartment. With their guns drawn, they searched […]

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Chapter 5 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Janie Smith headed up a criminal ring in Sometown. This ring had been responsible for the rise in drug-related activity and prostitution in the town, and yet because Smith ran a tight and efficient operation, police have no evidence tying her directly to any crimes. Every time the police thought they had […]

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Chapter 4 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Sticky-Fingered Sam was up to his old tricks. As Officer Blake patrolled Sometown’s center one Tuesday morning, she observed Sam dash out of the Square L convenience store, clutching his jacket. Sam loved Square L SnackLs and was known for showing up when they were delivered. While SnackLs were a fairly inexpensive […]

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Chapter 3 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Sticky-Fingered Sam was up to his old tricks. As Officer Blake patrolled Sometown’s center one Tuesday morning, she observed Sam dash out of the Square L convenience store, clutching his jacket. Sam loved Square L SnackLs and was known for showing up when they were delivered. While SnackLs were a fairly inexpensive […]

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Chapter 2 Case Studies


Case Study 1 Sid McLaren was a member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) who lived in a small town in the South. He hated African Americans, Jewish people, Mexicans, gays, Communists, and basically anyone who was not exactly like him. A true lover of the Confederacy, he proudly displayed the Confederate flag in his […]

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