Chapter 2 – Problem solving

Humans are excellent problem solvers. In this chapter, we explore what we mean by a problem, and we look at examples of both simple and more complex problems. We also consider the representations and processes that people use to solve them. We explore different types of problems, for example, ones with many solutions and ones with a single solution, and how people are able to solve them. We also discuss an experience you may be familiar with, that ‘aha’ moment which comes when you solve a problem you were struggling with. What leads to that breakthrough and how can we help it along? We consider some theories of problem solving and the role that prior experience and analogising play, as well as drawing on neuropsychological evidence. Throughout the chapter, there are lots of hands-on problems for you to have a go at, as well as some examples of where complex problem solving (or failing to problem solve) has had an impact in practice.

Chapter 2 – Introduction

  • Chapter 2 – Flashcards


    These are situations in which you have a goal, but you do not immediately know what you need to do to achieve it.


    A mental process that involves the exploration of possible states of the world and possible actions. This mental process may often be supported by interactions with external materials, objects and representations.


    A person’s sudden sense of understanding of how to go about solving a problem for which they have been struggling to find a solution. Such insight is sometimes referred to as an “Aha!” experience.

    well-defined problems

    These are problems in which the initial state (the starting conditions), the goal state and the actions that are available to tackle the problem are all completely specified.

    ill-defined problems

    These are problems in which there is a lack of specificity about one or more of the initial state (the starting conditions), the goal state and the actions that are available to tackle the problem.

    semantically-rich problems

    These are problems that require specialist, prior domain knowledge for people to be able to solve them.

    semantically-impoverished problems

    These are problems such as puzzles that do not require specialist, prior domain knowledge for people to be able to solve them. All of the knowledge needed to solve these problems is presented as part of the problem statement.

    adversarial problems

    These are problems in which the problem solver has to compete with a rational opponent, as in board games where the aim is for one player to win.


    This usually involves a person changing their mental representation of a given problem. This representational change that restructures a problem can reveal a new understanding of the problem that can engender a sudden feeling of insight that a solution can readily be found.


    The experience of feeling stuck or blocked when trying to solve a problem and not knowing how to proceed to find a solution.

    functional fixedness

    A difficulty in thinking of a novel way to use an object that is different to its usual function.


    A period during which a problem is set aside. This may arise immediately after the person sees the problem or subsequent to the person spending some time trying to solve the problem but without success.

    semantic memory

    A form of long-term memory that consists of one’s interconnected general knowledge about the world, including concepts and words that make up language.

    functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

    A technique for providing information about the location and time-course of brain processes based on imaging blood oxygenation levels using an MRI machine.

    electroencephalography (EEG)

    A technique for recording the brain’s electrical potentials using an array of scalp electrodes.

    productive thinking

    Thinking that involves the systematic re-use of past experience and existing knowledge.


    A process involving a comparison between two entities, objects, systems or problems that serves to identify similarities.


    Rules of thumb that are undemanding of cognitive resources and that often succeed in producing answers that are correct or approximately correct.

    problem space

    An abstract mental representation of a problem and possible solution states.


    The process of imagining an action sequence in advance of any physical, goal-directed activity.


    Problem-solving methods that are guaranteed to succeed but may do so only at a very high cost in terms of the time and information-processing effort required.

    artificial intelligence (AI)

    Computer programs that can produce intelligent outcomes to attain specified goals.

    means-ends analysis

    A heuristic for solving problems that involves generating a sub-goal to reduce the difference between the current state and the goal state.

    maximisation heuristic

    A heuristic that functions like means-ends analysis to ensure that any move or decision enables as much progress to be made as possible toward the current goal state.

    progress monitoring heuristic

    A heuristic whereby during problem solving people continually track their degree of progress toward the goal state and will switch their approach if insufficient progress toward the goal is being made.

    working memory capacity

    A measure of how much information a person can store and process at any point in time.


    Rapid eye movements that are separated by eye fixations that arise when the eye is relatively still at a point-of-regard. Conscious awareness is suppressed during saccades.

    problem isomorphs

    Problems that have the same underlying structure to one another but different surface characteristics.

    problem-solving schemas

    Generalised, abstracted representations of problems and associated solution methods that are stored in long-term memory, which can be applied to solve a class of problems that have similar underpinning structures.

Chapter 2 – Quiz

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