Chapter 1 – Useful Websites
The “Cyberpsychology Section” of the British Psychological Society includes a wide array of information about news, events, courses, careers, and other resources.
Division 46 of the American Psychological Association is the Society for Media Psychology & Technology. Their website includes interesting information about all aspects of media psychology:
The Association of Internet Researchers is an interdisciplinary organisation which holds annual conferences and publishes documents regarding the ethics of online research:
Chapter 2 – Useful Websites
Ulf-Dietrich Reips has published extensively on the nature of online research methods. On this website, many of his publications can be accessed in an open-source format.
Scott Plous of Wesleyan University maintains a resource of online social psychology studies here. It’s a big resource with references to papers, links to how-to guides, software suggestions, and much more.
The team at psychology.org has put together this article that covers a lot of ground in terms of tips and skills for online research in psychology.
Chapter 3 – Useful Websites
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Wiley) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a focus on social science and CMC. It is published approximately six times per year.
- https://academic.oup.com/jcmc?login=false (Oxford Academic, 2018–present)
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291083-6101 (Wiley, pre 2018)
Chapter 4 – Useful Websites
Mario Rodriguez speaks about Facebook Privacy and Identity – Exploring your digital self: at TEDxStetsonU.
Christopher ‘moot’ Poole is the founder of 4chan and discusses the case of online anonymity.
Chapter 5 – Useful Websites
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures the strength of associations between concepts (e.g., black people, gay people) and evaluations (e.g., good, bad) or stereotypes (e.g., athletic, clumsy). The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key. The IAT purports to measure attitudes that you may be unaware of or unwilling to admit to.
TackleBullying is Ireland’s national anti-bullying website updated regularly. It contains a variety of information in the context of bullying and cyberbullying prevention.
Psychgeist is a YouTube resource set up by Dr. Rachel Kowert to communicate concepts, issues, and video game research trends in an accessible way. There are short videos explaining negative behaviour and toxic cultures.
Take This is an organisation that specialises in the mental health and wellbeing of players and gamers.
Hate crimes in Ireland can be reported to the Gardaí if you or someone you know has been targeted by it.
Chapter 6 – Useful Websites
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. An open-access peer-reviewed journal with many articles on relationships and technology.https://www.pewresearch.org/topic/internet-technology/lifestyle-relationships-online/online-dating/
PEW internet research on finding love online. -
Chapter 7 – Useful Websites
Headspace is a course of guided mindfulness meditations delivered via an app:
Here is a link to the Invisible Gorilla selective awareness test from Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris:
The website of Dr. Larry Rosen has many interesting articles, blog posts, and videos of speeches on the topic of attention, distraction, and the role of technology:
RescueTime automatically keeps track as you work on your computer and has time management software that provides a personal daily Focus Work goal:
Chapter 8 – Useful Websites
This link, from the Social Psychology Network, lists many resources on ‘The Self, Social Identity and Group Behaviour’.
This web link details some online communities for podcasters.
Chapter 9 – Useful Websites
This website is from Steve Booth Butterfield who is a prominent researcher in persuasion. It contains definitions and applications of persuasion tactics/models to the Web. The website is very informal and easy to follow.
The behaviour design lab is located in Stanford University and is run by B.F. Fogg. The website contains articles and videos on the area. It also lists out the various projects looking at promoting behaviour change such as promoting Covid Vaccination. It has details on Fogg’s Behaviour Model and Fogg’s Behaviour Grid.
This website has tips and advice for applying the principles of compliance to online adverts.
Chapter 10 – Useful Websites
The Princetown University Security and Privacy Research Group’s website includes information relating to their work and researchers in this important field, as well as links to publications by their group. Their research can be found at:
A similar website is maintained by the University of Washington Security and Privacy Research Lab. Their publications, courses, and research activities are described at:
Chapter 11 – Useful Websites
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime offers an online module on cybercrime. Information and module links are available at:
The Interpol website includes useful information about online security and cybercrime.
Similarly, the ‘Stop. Think. Connect’ website provides information and advice on maintaining personal security online.
Chapter 12 – Useful Websites
The CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (Mary Ann Libert, Inc.) is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that focuses on many aspects of online behaviour.
Dr. Kimberly Young is an expert on Internet addiction. Her website – Net Addiction hosts a number of interesting papers and suggested readings. The Home page has a link to her TED Talk – ‘A Growing Epidemic’.
Dr. Mark Griffiths is the director of the International Gaming Research Unit in Nottingham Trent University and has published widely in the area of behavioural addiction. You can read his articles on The Conversation here:
Dr. Amy Orben’s list of publications includes research into social media, technology panics, social media and teenagers, and psychological well-being amongst others.
Chapter 13 – Useful Websites
Online Journals
This open-access journal will enable instructors to keep up-to-date on important research being published in this area.
- Frontiers in Psychology
This journal, with one of the top impact ratings in the field of Cybersychology, will enable instructors to keep up-to-date on important research being published in this area.
- Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking
This journal, with one of the top impact ratings in the field of Sport and Exercise Psychology, will enable instructors to keep up-to-date on important research being published in this area.
- The Sport Psychologist
Online Web Links
This link allows instructors to access a paper that was published in Frontiers in Psychology as part of a Research Topic that examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sport: Mental health implications on athletes, coaches, and their support staff.
Hurley, O.A. (2021).Sport Cyberpsychology in Action during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Possibilities): A Narrative Review.
This company employs various technologies to develop reliable products that help athletes to test and track their performances in training remotely. Many high-profile athletes and team personnel in various sports use their software to record/monitor their own / players’ performances.
- Output Sports
Chapter 14 – Useful Websites
The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a sub-division of The American Psychological Society and has many links to useful resources relating to Organizational Psychology.
The British Psychological Society hosts interesting articles specifically looking at psychological organizational research.
Don Tapscott is a futurologist. He argues that young people have been born into a world connected with technology. As a result, the world is being transformed and this world is more open and transparent. This talk he outlines four core principles that show how this open world can be a better place. He has an interesting website with links to his TED talks:
Innovation is recognised as the foundation for growth in this fast-paced digital world. Clinton addresses the importance of innovation in the psychological sphere based on the Jones’s (2016) claim that the psychology of innovation helps identify the common traits among successful entrepreneurs.
- Clinton, A. N. (2020). The importance of innovation to global psychology. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/international/global-insights/innovation
- Jones, K. (2016). The Psychology of Innovation: From Purpose to Gratitude. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2016/04/06/the-psychology-of-innovation-from-purpose-to-gratitude/?sh=6a6e4625694a
Chapter 15 – Useful Websites
Learning Resources
Khan Academy is one of the major learning resources websites, the motto is #YouCanLearnAnything. Explore video lessons and resources in maths, science, history at https://www.khanacademy.org/. These free resources are supported with advice for learners, parents, and teachers.
TED-Ed complements TED Talks with lessons using the talks. These are available at http://ed.ted.com/. Lessons can be created using the TED Talks and shared via TED-Ed.
Top Tools for Learning, the annual report published by Jane Hart each September, is the place to scan the horizon and explore tools for learning. https://www.toptools4learning.com/.
YouTube, the video hosting and sharing platform is an amazing resource for all learning.
Learning Online and Learning Theories
Stephen Downes is always thoughtful and provocative on eLearning. You can read his work at http://www.downes.ca/.
The National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University https://www.dcu.ie/nidl is an excellent resource on digital learning. It has a useful blog https://nidl.blog/ and a great list of resources https://www.dcu.ie/nidl/teaching-online-resource-bank. Teresa MacKinnon has curated a collection of webpages on learning theories that are well worth exploring at http://www.pearltrees.com/teresamac/theory-education/id4627225. The links can be variable, but it is well worth seeing what she has selected.
Chapter 16 – Useful Websites
The Journal of Consumer Psychology publishes research articles that contribute both theoretically and empirically to the understanding of the psychology of consumer behaviour.
The Interaction Design Foundation provides a wide range of literature on user experience design to improve experiences online. Many are useful for the consideration of user experiences in online shopping, to encourage people to purchase more online. For example the causes of shopping cart abandonment, homepage design for mobile ecommerce, and persuasion techniques to purchase more online.
Chapter 17 – Useful Websites
National Anti-Bullying Centre in Dublin City University, Ireland.
Research and resources for both teachers and parents on how to approach technology. Many resources for teachers about the online world.
Implementation of an anti-bullying campaign for educators, accompanied by classroom resources.
Research and resources for educators, parents, and young people on cyberbullying.
Video games and online gaming for kids, are fun ways to interact with children.
Chapter 18 – Useful Websites
Age Action Ireland.
A support guide for older adults to use technology in their daily lives at home.
Age UK resources for older adults to make the most of their online lives.
Lifeconnect24 provides resources and information on older adults’ use of technology.https://www.lifeconnect24.co.uk/technology-for-older-people/
Chapter 19 – Useful Websites
ACM Transactions on Computer–Human Interaction: http://tochi.acm.org/
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hihc20/current
HCI Bibliography – Human–Computer Interaction Resources: http://hcibib.org/
An interactive visualization of Fitts’ Law is available at http://www.simonwallner.at/ext/fitts/
Video and additional resources relating to Douglas Engelbart’s “Mother of all demos” can be found at: https://dougengelbart.org/content/view/209/
Nielsen Norman Group Articles: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/
Chapter 20 – Useful Websites
Jamie Madigan runs a podcast and website about the Psychology of Video Games.
Celia Hodent runs a website about cognitive neuroscience and user experience as applied to video games.
Computers in Entertainment.
BPS Research Digest (Video Games).
Media Psychology Review.
Chapter 21 – Useful Websites
Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab’s website includes a list of their publications, projects, and staff:
The Oxford Virtual Reality (VR) for Mental Health group website includes extensive information about their projects and publications.
The University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Center for Virtual Environments and Behaviour also examines a vast array of applications for VR and psychology.
Chapter 22 – Useful Websites
The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour have a website which provides some excellent insights into the field, along with further links to conferences, journals and other publications about the topic. All are available at:
Similar information can be found at the website of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, available at:
Take a look at the project portfolio of the MIT Personal Robots Group to see the systems that they are currently developing and their ongoing research themes at: