Chapter 8 – The Dynamics of Groups Online

Chapter Summary

  • This chapter outlines how online groups form and regulate themselves.
  • It addresses topics such as how roles, norms, social capital, and group identity exist/are expressed in online groups.

Why Do Individuals Join Online Groups? 

  • It may be an attractive option for many individuals, especially in today’s digital and social media age.
  • Online groups may meet specific group member’s social needs of belonging and acceptance.
  • Motivations for why individuals are attracted to
  • read more
  • Chapter 8 – Useful Websites

    This link, from the Social Psychology Network, lists many resources on ‘The Self, Social Identity and Group Behaviour’.

    This web link details some online communities for podcasters.

  • Chapter 8 – Further Reading

    This paper by Janghee Cho and Rick Walsh investigated how potential new members of an online community create their own mental models of that online community from their first experience of the community, and how this process impacts their decision to remain in the community or not.

    Cho, J., and Walsh, R. (2021). How Potential New Members Approach an Online Community. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 30, 35–77.

    In this open-access paper by Hugo Hromic and Conor Hayes, they characterised and evaluated the dynamics of online communities. They specifically differentiated between functional and structural communities for microblogging.

    Hromic, H., anf Hayes, C. (2019). Characterising and evaluating dynamic online communities from live

    microblogging user interactions. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9, Article 30.

  • Chapter 8 – Audio and Video links

    In this short 4-minute TED (2020) talk, entitled ‘Discovering safe community in online spaces’, Melody Yoon, describes her experiences of finding safe places in less than conventional spaces.

    In this Ted Talk (2020) series, issues related to managing remote working teams are explored. Topics such as communication, burnout, and developing connections are specifically addressed.

  • Chapter 8 – Essay questions

    1. Explain the terms group identity, social capital, social identity, and social loafing as they relate to online groups.
    2. Discuss the increasing use of the internet as a source of social support for individuals.  
    3. Outline some dangers of over-reliance on social networks (i.e., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) for primary social support.
    4. Discuss the impact of individuals experimenting with their social identity online (both for the individual and the group as a whole).

Chapter 8 – Quiz

  1. Question 1 of 10
    1. Question

    Which of the following is not a characteristic of group dynamics online or offline?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
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