Chapter 20 – Gaming
Chapter Summary
An Introduction to Video Gaming
- Introduction: Introduces the area of video gaming, explains its growth, and provides an outline of the rest of this section.
- What are video games?: Defines the term ‘video game’ and explains some key characteristics of video games.
- The evolution of video games: Provides a brief outline of the origins of video games and the factors that have contributed to the evolution of video games.
- What types of games are there?: Describes the most significant … read more
Chapter 20 – Useful Websites
Jamie Madigan runs a podcast and website about the Psychology of Video Games.
Celia Hodent runs a website about cognitive neuroscience and user experience as applied to video games.
Computers in Entertainment.
BPS Research Digest (Video Games).
Media Psychology Review.
Chapter 20 – Further Reading
In this commentary, Chris Ferguson reflects on the importance of digital social interaction and video games during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Ferguson, C. J. (2020). Video games during the time of the plague. Psychological Inquiry, 31(3), 242–246.
Granic, Lobel, and Engels (2014) combine elements of developmental, positive, social psychology, and media psychology to propose some possible ways that video game play could have real psychosocial benefits.
- Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R.C. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American Psychologist, 69(1), 66-78.
Celia Hodent is an expert in cognitive psychology and video game user experience (UX). She works as an independent game UX consultant and was previously Director of User Experience at Epic Games (the makers of Fortnite). Her book provides an interesting overview of how concepts and principles from cognitive neuroscience and user experience can be applied to video game design. Though targeted more generally at those working in the industry, her book is accessible and is likely to appeal to anyone who is interested in learning about what happens in the brain when a person plays video games.
- Hodent, C. (2018). The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX can Impact Video Game Design. CRC Press.
Chapter 20 – Audio and Video links
Video Links
Dr. Rachel Kowert discusses the issues and debates around ‘gaming disorder’.
Cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier explains how fast-paced action games can help us learn, focus, and even multitask.
Chapter 20 – Essay questions
- Video games have evolved significantly since the first video games were created in the 1950s and 1960s. Discuss the key factors that have driven this evolution. Provide specific examples to support you answer.
- Why do people play video games? Identify the main theoretical motivations that encourage video game play.
- Some might argue that playing a video game is like taking a drug. Discuss this idea making reference to the way in which video games alter consciousness, and problematic video game play.
- Psychologists debate the impact of video games on players. Discuss the debate on Gaming Addiction OR Gaming and Violence with reference to at least one theoretical model of how gaming affects people.
Chapter 20 – Quiz
Question 1 of 10
1. Question
The acroynm FPS stands for: