Chapter 16 – Consumer Cyberpsychology and Online marketing
Chapter Summary
The Rise of Online Shopping
- New ways of engaging customers, new business practices, and a global market have all combined to shift commerce online.
Who Shops Online?
- Customers can be profiled or segmented according to their characteristics.
- A typology of the global online consumer describing consumers based on their psychographic characteristics and their shopping attitudes and behaviours, segments them into four types; shopping lovers, direct purchasers, suspicious browsers, … read more
Chapter 16 – Useful Websites
The Journal of Consumer Psychology publishes research articles that contribute both theoretically and empirically to the understanding of the psychology of consumer behaviour.
The Interaction Design Foundation provides a wide range of literature on user experience design to improve experiences online. Many are useful for the consideration of user experiences in online shopping, to encourage people to purchase more online. For example the causes of shopping cart abandonment, homepage design for mobile ecommerce, and persuasion techniques to purchase more online.
Chapter 16 – Further Reading
Personalisation and customisation have been key trends in retail over the last decade. This article looks at the differences between the two, and how retailers are delivering those experiences, online, through VR and AR, as well as offline.
A report on the importance of personalised experiences online, and in particular, getting it right for consumers. This has only become more important since the pandemic.
COVID-19 substantially increased the number of people shopping online. This article looks at the psychology of online shopping, and in particular, offers tips for reducing impulse buying or overspending.
Chapter 16 – Audio and Video links
Video Links
Psycho-economist Sheena Iyengar talks about decision-making processes and how to make choosing easier.
How to capture the joy of shopping online. Nimisha Jain, a consumer expert, talks about how to make the experience of shopping online more joyful.
Dr. Robert Cialdini describes six fundamental principles of persuasion through examples of where they have been applied
Chapter 16 – Essay questions
- Discuss the ways in which online shopping customers can be segmented into groups in order to assist with marketing in meaningful ways to them. What characteristics can be used to create segmentation, and how does this assist in communicating with them?
- Evaluate the motivations, beliefs and attitudes that shape a willingness or resistance to shop online.
- Discuss the benefits to both the consumer and the brand of a strong consumer-brand relationship, with particular focus on how social media impacts that relationship.
- Describe the ways in which persuasion can be used in online shopping to change consumer behaviour. Use at least
Chapter 16 – Quiz
Question 1 of 10
1. Question
Creating a typology of customers based on their characteristics is called: