Chapter 14 – The Online Workplace

Chapter Summary

Organizations Today – The Online Workplace

Where We Have Come From

  • Traditional manufacturing organizations were the backbone of many towns and cities prior to the age of the Internet. Many of these workplaces were housed in a building.
  • In the past organizations employed thousands of skilled workers.  Many people worked in heavy industries.
  • Traditional organizations had clear boundaries with layers of management.  There were clear boundaries between functional units.
  • These organizations were often slow to change to the needs of the market economy due to their size.

What about Today?

  • Organizations are smaller and flatter. There are fewer managerial layers.
  • New organizations have a web presence as well as buildings.
  • E-commerce, the digital marketplace, and physical stores are the drivers of the economy. The online presence of businesses has been accelerated due to COVID-19.
  • The consumption of the movie and music industries has also changed to include an online presence.
  • Web platforms have changed the everyday dynamics of communications and business transactions.
  • People’s purchasing behaviour has changed – people buy online.
  • The modern workplace and workers are adaptable and flexible.
  • Companies have a global presence and virtual teamworking has become a norm.

The Challenge of Change

  • Today’s fast-paced technological environments demand that companies are interconnected and respond to change rapidly.
  • Technology is driving change and efficiencies in a fast-paced economy. Change needs to happen quickly. 
  • Many companies embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow improving products and services.

It’s a New World – The Virtual Environment

The Virtual Organization

  • COVID-19 has influenced how virtual organizations conduct their business.
  • Virtual Organizations are flexible networks of independent entities that are linked together with information technology.  They share skills, knowledge, and expertise. Collaboration is essential.
  • The traditional boundaries of organizations have been broken and today we have ‘boundaryless’ organizations – which have a global scope.

Virtual Teams

  • Virtual Teams operate with virtual organizations.
  • Virtual Teams can be temporary and may work together on specific projects.
  • These teams are similar to traditional teams in that they are goal and performance-orientated.  However, the team may not be situated in the one building or country and IT is used for collaboration. Virtual teams may be disbanded once a project has been completed. COVID-19 demonstrated the effectiveness of virtual team working.
  • There are challenges to working in Virtual Teams, these include a lack of physical interaction and the lack of non-verbal cues. The clarification of team roles also needs clarification. Cross-cultural issues need to be understood by team members.
  • The psychological safety within teams needs consideration in order for teams to be successful.

The Challenges That Technology Poses for Modern People

Career Planning

  • Career planning is different than in the past.  The world appears smaller and travel and education are less expensive.  This offers improved carer choices. 
  • Careers are more flexible and workers can create and re-create their careers.
  • Workers must take responsibility for managing their own careers.
  • Workers need to develop a ‘boundaryless mindset’.
  • The gig economy is rising in popularity.

The Darker Side of Technology

  • Technology can have some unwelcome challenges. 
  • Issues of ‘cyberslacking’, ‘cyberdevient behaviour’, and cyberbullying can be problematic.
  • Consideration of digital intrusion and cognitive overload is needed by employers.
  • New EU legislation has been put in place to protect workers concerning the right to disconnect from tasks after working hours.
  • Robust policies and social and organizational support are needed to support victims.

The Challenges for the Future of Work

Future Scope

  • Competition and new technologies will continue to drive change.
  • Change is disruptive and disruptive technological innovations will create the jobs of the future.
  • New organizational structures and cultures will continue to emerge. Many of these will be small, remote, cross-cultural, hybrid, and environmentally friendly organisations.  There will still be space for the global corporations.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages to working from home.
  • Going forward organisations need to consider cybersecurity and General Data Protection Regulations.

Back to the Future?

  • Before the Industrial Revolution, the workforce was made up of artisans and agricultural workers. The Industrial Revolution introduced huge manufacturing companies and technological change.
  • Today, there seems to be a number of organizations that are smaller and specialized, but interconnected by technology.
  • Technology has enabled the global economy to respond to the COVID-19 world crisis.

Chapter 14 – Quiz

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