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Chapter 8: Adult learning within human resource development


The disciplines of human resource development (HRD) and adult education (AE) both view the process of adult learning as being central to their theory and practice. Even so, the purposes of HRD and AE differ, and their perspective on adult learning differs. When practiced within productive organizations, HRD should strive to contribute directly to the host organization’s goals. The host organization is a purposeful system that must attain effective and efficient survival goals. Consequently, it is the responsibility of HRD to focus on those goals as well as individual employee goals. Of the scarce resources that organizations must procure and allocate, perhaps none is more important to the success of the firm than human resources. When business and industry leaders talk about the high values of core competence to the life of their companies, they are talking primarily about knowledge and expertise that fits within and between the 15 cells in the performance diagnosis matrix.

Learning objectives

Learners will be able to:

  1. Evaluate how both disciplines of adult education (AE) and human resource development (HRD) connect to adult learning.
  2. Interpret and discuss the relative ease and difficulty of adults controlling the four learning phases (need, create, implement, evaluate).

Discussion Questions

Think about the impact of HRD on adult education and adult learning.

Is self-assessment always possible in adult learning process?

The Phases of the Adult Learning Planning Process Infographic

Image of a flow chart for The Phases of the Adult Learning Planning

Reflection Questions

  1. Discuss how both disciplines of adult education and human resource development connect to adult learning.
  2. From your experience, how does learning connect with performance? Speak to performance at various levels (individual, work process, and organization).
  3. What is your general position related to the idea of adult learners controlling their own learning?
  4. Discuss the relative ease and difficulty of adults controlling the various learning phases:
    • 8.4a  need,
    • 8.4b create,
    • 8.4c implement, and
    • 8.4d evaluate.