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Chapter 20: Guidelines for using learning contracts


Almost always there are alternative avenues to reaching a goal. The professional educator may be inclined to select what they believe to be the best way. This approach denies the variability in learners that is highlighted in the andragogy in practice model. One of the most significant findings from research about adult learning is that when adults go about learning something naturally, they are highly self-directing. Evidence is beginning to accumulate too that what adults learn on their own initiative, they learn more deeply and permanently than what they learn by being taught. Those kinds of learning that are engaged in for purely personal development can perhaps be planned and carried out completely by an individual on his or her own terms and with only a loose structure. Learning contracts provide a means for negotiating a reconciliation between these external needs and expectations and the learner’s internal needs and interests.

Learning objectives

Learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the steps in creating a learning contract.

Learning Contracts

Students individually choose one learning task and complete the first 6 steps of the learning contract sheet. The steps are then discussed in pairs (peer review). The Guidelines for using Learning Contracts can be downloaded here.

Chapter 20 – Learning Contracts