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Chapter 2: Exploring the world of learning theory


While there still remains a great deal of mystery as to how human beings learn and the brain functions, people do know a great deal about this realm. Throughout history, there have been events and movements that have punctuated the knowledge base. Political enlightenment, world wars, and advances in technology are just a few. Influential scholars and practitioners have led the way. Education is an activity undertaken or initiated by one or more agents that is designed to effect changes in knowledge, skill, and attitudes of individuals, groups, or communities. Learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed through reacting to an encountered situation, provided that characteristics of the change in activity cannot be explained on the basis of native response tendencies, maturation, or temporary states of the organism. Exploring learning theory can be beneficial to policy-level leaders, managers, learning specialists, and consultants by providing information that will allow better decisions, and ultimately desirable learning experiences.

Learning objectives

Learners will be able to:

  1. Explain the distinction between education and learning.
  2. Interpret the complex definitions of learning.
  3. Identify the connection between adult learning theory and practice.


Who can benefit from exploring learning theory?

Discussion Question

How to use learning theory in practice?


Learning: The process of gaining knowledge and/or expertise.

Education: An activity undertaken or initiated by one or more agents that is designed to affect changes in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of individuals, groups, or communities.

Theory: A theory is a comprehensive, coherent, and internally consistent system of ideas about a set of phenomena.

Criticisms of Learning Focused on Growth Infographic

Image of a list for Criticisms of Learning Focused on Growth

Reflection Questions

5.1           What is the connection between theory and practice?

5.2           Why should practitioners care about theory?

5.3           What is the essential difference between the concepts of education and learning?

5.4           What key points about learning presented in this chapter have the most meaning to you? Why?

5.5           Which definition of learning presented do you prefer and why?