Digital technology is an important, influential, and ubiquitous aspect of contemporary society. Indeed, it is difficult to discuss any aspect of modern life without considering the virtual environments developed through the use of digital tools and the Internet. Because of sustained technological advancements, online learning has mushroomed as a viable format for education across various educational contexts, including the adult classroom. Since the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) global pandemic that shocked the world in 2020, we have seen a massive increase in online educational offerings and adult learners are actively engaged in these programs. These radical and comprehensive shifts to distance education suggest that utilizing virtual learning environments will only continue to increase. It is thus critical to discuss perspectives on online learning in the adult classroom based on the core learning principles of andragogy. We focus on issues such as adult learner characteristics, characteristics of the online learning environment (particularly in higher education), including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, and practical ways to design instruction online using the principles of andragogy as the framework for design.
Learning objectives
Learners will be able to:
- Develop a toolkit for designing and facilitating online learning experiences for adults, based on the six core principles of andragogy.
- Describe the expansion of online adult learning in a rapidly shifting, technologically-dependent society.
- Discuss the implications for the use of technology (including AI applications) in education and learning as they connect to adult learning.
Reflection Questions
- Discuss the potential implications for the use of technology (including AI applications) in education and learning as they connect to adult learning.
- What initiatives can be implemented to enhance adult learners’ AI literacy skills?
- From your experience, how has the use of digital technology impacted your learning as an adult?
- What are some practical ways in which adult educators can support community-building in an online learning environment?
- How can educators create experiential learning opportunities in their online courses?
- In addition to digital and technological literacies, what other non-traditional literacy skills do you think adult learners need to develop to be successful when learning in an online environment?
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