One aspect of the andragogical model that disturbs many people is that not all adults seem to fit the assumptions. Any facilitator of adult learning will tell a person that adult learners are not as homogenous as the andragogical model implies. Research has shown that there are many individual differences among learners that interact with the core adult learning principles to shape adults’ learning behaviors. The major premise of research on individual differences is that instructors should adapt instruction to accommodate differences in individual abilities, styles, and preferences. By doing so, it is expected that learning outcomes will improve. Instructors are encouraged either to capitalize on learner strengths or to help learners develop a broader range of capabilities. At one time, cross-sectional studies led to the conclusion that intelligence declined in the adult years. This was inconsistent with the general observation that adults did not seem to become “less smart”.
Learning objectives
Learners will be able to:
- Describe the individual differences perspective of psychology, developmental perspectives, and lifespan development perspectives enhancing the principles of andragogy.
- Discuss the difference between learning and learning how to learn.
Discussion Questions
Which individual differences can influence learning process the most?
Learning How to Learn Infographic
Reflection Questions
10.1 Discuss the relative significance of cognitive, personality, and prior knowledge differences on adult learning.
10.2 As an adult educator, how would you use knowledge related to learning styles?
10.3 What is the difference between learning and learning how to learn and learning?
10.4 What is the utility of development theories when working as an adult educator?
10.5 As an adult learner, how do you see yourself evolving over the next decade?