Home / Students / Part 3: Persuasion & Public Relations / Chapter 11: Telling the Truth in Organizational Settings

Chapter 11: Telling the Truth in Organizational Settings

Telling the truth on behalf of an organization as a practitioner or manager is often a complex process, involving multiple layers of approval or review. From situations involving Tiger Woods to Sea World to X (formerly known a Twitter), cases in this chapter illustrate the demands of truth telling within both formal and informal organizational settings, particularly in an age when digital and social media may dominate communication flow. The lack of control over the content and context of what is shared online and in real time increases the tensions for contemporary practitioners. The need for accuracy is examined for both a non-profit and a publicly traded corporation. Two cases provide students the opportunity to explore the quandary of how to understand and communicate truth during rapidly changing organizational crises, and another raises the issue of how much personal information should be shared in order for truth to be communicated.

Chapter 11 - Video Introduction

Chapter 11 – Video Introduction

Key questions for the chapter

  1. How do loyalties and values influence the amount of truthful information disseminated and publicized?
  2. In what ways is the truth negotiated in various organizational settings?

Case 46

Discussion Questions

  1. Do public figures (e.g., athletes, politicians etc.) owe the public the full truth regarding their private affairs?
  2. With the proliferation of social media, how should public figures balance their professional public image with being truthful and authentic?
  3. Can a public figure’s private affairs ever be completely private?
  4. Should the private affairs of public figures affect their profession?


  1. Article resource: Tiger Woods Injured in Crash
  2. Article resource: Golf Superstar Tiger Woods in Car Accident
  3. Article resource: Tiger Woods Accepts Full Blame for Car Crash
  4. Article resource: Tiger Woods Car Crash: Full Statement
  5. Article resource: Tiger’s Scandal Cheats his Sponsors up to $12 Billion
  6. Article resource: Tiger Woods’ Sponsorship Deathwatch
  7. Article resource: Tiger Woods Press Conference: Ultimately, He Had to Face the Public
  8. Article resource: Tiger Woods’ Car Had Flat Tires, He Was Asleep At Wheel, Police Say
  9. Article resource: President Donald Trump Congratulates Golfer Tiger Woods After Masters Win
  10. Article resource: Trump Awards Highest U.S. Civilian Honor to Tiger Woods
  11. Video resource: Tiger (Documentary Series)

Case 47

Discussion Questions

  1. How should corporations respond when their reputation and legitimacy is under attack?
  2. What are the pros and cons to using social media to answer questions from the public?
  3. Should SeaWorld have deleted social media posts from the public that were disparaging?
  4. Did partnering with experts (e.g., veterinarians) help or hurt SeaWorld’s counter campaign?


  1. Video resource: Blackfish (Film)
  2. Web resource: Blackfish Official Website
  3. Web resource: About PETA’s Campaign to Save the Whales and Dolphins at SeaWorld
  4. Article resource: ‘Ask SeaWorld’ Ad Campaign Draws Criticism
  5. Article resource: SeaWorld’s Huge PR Hurdles: Transparency and Trolls
  6. Article resource: 8 Hashtag Fails Brands Can Learn From
  7. Article resource: ‘Ask SeaWorld’ Twitter Campaign Chum in the Water for Critics
  8. Article resource: As SeaWorld Stops Breeding Orcas, What Are the Impacts for Research?
  9. Video resource: SeaWorld to End Killer Whale Shows
  10. Article resource: SeaWorld Orlando is Ending its Theatrical Orca Shows but They Still Have a Long Road Ahead
  11. Article resource: SeaWorld and Former CEO to Pay More Than $5 Million to Settle Fraud Charges
  12. Article resource: SeaWorld, ex-CEO agree to Pay $5M to Settle SEC Fraud Charges They Hid ‘Blackfish’ Effect https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/tourism/sd-fi-seaworld-sec-settlement-20180918-story.html

Case 48

Discussion Questions

  1. In deciding between speed and accuracy, how should corporations decide on which to prioritize?
  2. How should corporations communicate with their publics in times of crises?
  3. How can Equifax rebuild trust with the public after repeated data breaches?
  4. Should Equifax adhere to higher ethical standards because they work with sensitive personal data?


  1. Web resource: FTC Equifax Data Breach Settlement
  2. Web resource: Equifax Statement on Data Breach Settlement
  3. Web resource: Equifax’s Statement Regarding the Extent of the Cybersecurity Incident
  4. Web resource: U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 

Case 49

Discussion Questions

  1. Should the public expect more transparency from charitable organizations than corporate entities? Why or why not?
  2. How should charitable organizations (re)build trust with their donors?
  3. How should charitable organizations respond to criticisms of their organization?
  4. How should charitable organizations communicate with the public (and journalists) about their charitable efforts?


  1. Article resource: Special Report: The American Red Cross
  2. Web resource: American Red Cross in Haiti
  3. Article resource: Red Cross CEO Tried to End Government Inquiry

Case 50

Discussion Questions

  1. How should leaders of corporations conduct themselves on social media when their “personal” accounts are also “corporate” accounts?
  2. Is it appropriate for c-suite executives to make “jokes” regarding their companies?
  3. What ethical issues arise with Elon Musk owning both Tesla and X?
  4. Should tweets be taken as seriously as official corporate communications?


  1. Article resource: Elon Musk’s Lawyer Asks Court to Throw Out ‘Twitter Sitter’ Deal with SEC
  2. Article resource: SEC says Elon Musk Still Needs Lawyer to Approve his Tweets
  3. Article resource: SEC Confirms Probe of Elon Musk’s Twitter share Purchase Disclosures
  4. Article resource: From Twitter to X: Elon Musk Begins Erasing an Iconic Internet Brand