Multiple-choice questions
Questions for Discussion
- As per RNA world hypothesis, RNA was the first nucleic acid to be originated to encode genetic information and was then replaced by DNA. A uniform feature of all living organisms is the use of DNA as the genetic material. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using DNA as the macromolecule to store genetic information.
- Discovery of non-coding RNA in gene regulation changed the definition of a gene as a unit DNA that encodes a functional product. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using non-coding RNA to regulate gene expression.
- Several high throughput molecular techniques are used in clinical diagnosis of diseases such as cancer. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using expression and gene arrays as diagnosis tools.
- Discuss the disadvantages and problems of using qRT-PCR to detect and diagnose infectious diseases.
- Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using siRNA and other non-coding RNA as therapeutics to treat chronic diseases such as cancer.
Further Reading
1.1 The protein content of different cell types is different
Gershoni JM & Palade GE (1983) Protein blotting: principles and applications. Anal Biochem 131:1–15.
Kislinger T, Cox B, Kannan A et al. (2006) Global survey of organ and organelle protein expression in mouse: combined proteomic and transcriptomic profiling. Cell 125:173–186.
O’Farrell PH (1975) High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins. J Biol Chem 250:4007–4021.
Xie F, Liu T, Qian W-J et al. (2011) Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics. J Biol Chem 286:25443–25449.
1.2 The mRNA content of different cell types is different
Lockhart DJ & Winzeler EA (2000) Genomics, gene expression and DNA arrays. Nature 405:827–836.
Thomas PS (1980) Hybridization of denatured RNA and small DNA fragments transferred to nitrocellulose. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77:5201–5205.
1.3 The DNA content of different cell types is generally the same
Claycomb JM & Orr-Weaver TL (2005) Developmental gene amplification: insights into DNA replication and gene expression. Trends Genet 21:149–162.
Gurdon JB (2006) From nuclear transfer to nuclear reprogramming: the reversal of cell differentiation. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 22:1–22.
Gurdon JB & Melton DA (2008) Nuclear reprogramming in cells. Science 322:1811–1815.
Ji P, Murata-Hori M & Lodish HF (2011) Formation of mammalian erythrocytes: chromatin condensation and enucleation. Trends Cell Biol 21:409–415.
Southern EM (1975) Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis. J Mol Biol 98:503–517.
Steward FC (1970) From cultured cells to whole plants: the induction and control of their growth and morphogenesis. Proc R Soc Series B 175:1–30.
Wilmut I, Schnieke AE, McWhis J et al. (1997) Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Nature 385:810–813.
1.4 Transcriptional or post-transcriptional control?
Derman E, Krauter K, Walling L et al. (1981) Transcriptional control in the production of liver specific mRNAs. Cell 23:731–739.
Ecker JR, Bickmore WA, Barroso A et al. (2012) ENCODE explained. Nature 489:52–55.
The ENCODE Project Consortium (2012) An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome. Nature 489:57–74.
1.5 Regulatory RNAs and the regulation of gene expression
Ameres SL & Zamore PD (2013) Diversifying microRNA sequence and function. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14:475–488.
Chen X, Liang H, Zhan J et al. (2012) Secreted microRNAs: a new form of intercellular communication. Trends Cell Biol 22:125–132.
Gebert LFR and MacRae IJ (2019) Regulation of microRNA function in animals. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 20,21-37
Geisler S & Coller J (2013) RNA in unexpected places: long non-coding RNA functions in diverse cellular contexts. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14:699–712.
Gil N and Ulitsky I (2020) Regulation of gene expression by cis-acting long non-coding RNAs Nature Review Genetics 21, 102-117
Ishizu H, Siomi H & Siomi MC (2012) Biology of PIWI-interacting RNAs: new insights into biogenesis and function inside and outside of germlines. Genes Dev 26:2361–2373.
Komatsu S., Kitai H., & Suzuki HI. (2023). Network Regulation of microRNA Biogenesis and Target Interaction. Cells, 12(2), 306.
Kowalczyk M.S., Higgs D.R. & Gingeras T.R. (2012) RNA discrimination. Nature 482:310–311.
Kugel J.F. & Goodrich J.A. (2012) Non-coding RNAs: key regulators of mammalian transcription. Trends Biochem Sci 37:144–151.
Luaibi, A. R., Al-Saffar, M., Jalil, A. T., Rasol, M. A., Fedorovich, E. V., Saleh, M. M., & Ahmed, O. S. (2023). Long non-coding RNAs: The modulators of innate and adaptive immune cells. Pathology, Research and Practice, 241, 154295. M.J. & Ketting R.F. (2013) PIWI-interacting RNAs: from generation to transgenerational epigenetics. Nat Rev Genet 14:523–534.
Pritchard C.C., Cheng H.H. & Tewari M (2012) MicroRNA profiling: approaches and considerations. Nat Rev Genet 13:358–369.
Pelechano V & Steinmetz L.M. (2013) Gene regulation by antisense transcription. Nat Rev Genet 14:880–893.
Xiol J & Pillai R.S. (2012) Outsourcing genome protection. Science 337:529–530.Yang L, Froberg J.E. & Lee J.T. (2014) Long noncoding RNAs: fresh perspectives into the RNA world. Trends Biochem Sci 39:35–43.