Chapter 5

Hi there. I’m the Marsh in Braithwaite, Marsh, Tschamp-Diesing, and Leach’s research on Family kinkeepers from 2017. Family kinkeepers enact an important role centered on interaction and maintaining family relationships. We studied kinkeeping communication in light of mediated communication, topics engaged, and kinkeepers’ assessments. We worked with thirty-four self-identified kinkeepers, who kept an interaction diary over a 2-week span. We created 275 reports within 1,487 interactions where they usually had a large amount of mediated communications between them and their family members via text, telephone, e-mail, and social media. These interactions centered on everyday activities, rituals, health and safety. And despite potential complications of their role, most of the kinkeepers reported a high agreement and overall openness with family members, very little conflict, and overall satisfaction with these interactions. Implications of our findings, and new directions for researchers, and the important mediated role of family kinkeeping are discussed later in our article. We welcome you to read through it for yourself and see all that actually a kinkeeper does for their family.  

Coming Soon.

Question 1

________ are ways in which each member of the family motivates and monitors the behavior of the other and is influenced, in turn, by the other person’s previous actions