Chapter 2

Koerner & Schrodt

Taken directly from Ascan F. Koerner & Paul Schrodt’s 2014 introduction to the special issue on family communication patterns theory in the Journal of Family Communication, page 7 they stated, “The effects that [conversation and conformity orientations] have on family behaviors and outcomes are often dependent on one another. That is, rather than having two simple main effects that are additive, these two dimensions often interact with one another such that the impact of conversation orientation on family outcomes is moderated by the degree of conformity orientation of the family, and vice versa. To predict the influence of family communication patterns on family outcomes, therefore, it is rarely sufficient to investigate only one dimension without assessing the other dimension as well. Thus, the family types that result from crossing the two dimensions are not just convenient ways to describe the main effects of conversation orientation and conformity orientation, but they also encapsulate important qualitative differences between family types. Specifically, Family Communication Patterns Theory describes four family types [pluralistic, consensual, protective, and laissez-faire] that emerge from the interaction of conversation and conformity orientations.” Read before for a detailed explanation of each family type.  

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Question 1

How do the authors define communication?