Chapter 10

In the following section our authors identify three different constructive conflict behaviors that we can use to resolve conflict in a healthy and competent manner: (a) listening, (b) fair fighting, and (c) managing the physical environment. We start by learning about active listening, which helps us better understand the other person’s perspective. We will naturally have conflict even in our best relationships, but by being able to listen to one another we can learn how to have less conflict, at least in that relationship. Next up is fair fighting, which goes hand in hand with listening. If we want to grow in our relationships, we need to handle conflict with respect to each other. This is important because, like we’ve established, we’ll have conflict in our relationships, but it is how we work through those conflicts that determines the success or rather the happiness of our relationships. Lastly, if we can manage the physical environment then we can soften the conflict, instead of increasing it. For example, when you are upset to do want someone to hug you, or do you need some space? It is best if we can sit in a manner where we can make direct, but nonthreatening eye contact. These three behaviors together can help lessen the conflict and hopefully help your relationship grow overall. For a more detailed description of each behavior, read below for more! 

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Question 1

Communication scholars define _________ as “an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties, who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals.”