Home / Student Resources / Chapter 11 – Evaluating Methods and Analysis Sections: Qualitative Research

Chapter 11 – Evaluating Methods and Analysis Sections: Qualitative Research

This chapter explores how to evaluate the methods and analysis sections of qualitative research reports. Qualitative methods are best suited to exploring topics in-depth and for offering detailed explanations of phenomena. Qualitative inquiry usually seeks to understand social realities, meaning making, social interactions, and connections between the individual, interactional, and structural levels of society. This chapter offers examples of studies that explain sampling logic, sampling procedures, participant recruitment, and the theoretical and methodological underpinnings to demonstrate rigorous approaches to qualitative research. The chapter also highlights the importance of researchers describing their data, sites of research, participants, as well as their own positionality and how it shaped the research process. Finally, the chapter offers examples of studies that outline coding logic, analytic techniques, and validity checks that can ensure a thorough and sound qualitative data analysis. The chapter ends with exercises that allow readers to practice assessing the methods and analysis sections of qualitative research reports.

Multiple Choice Questions

All of the following statements about the unique goals of qualitative research are correct, EXCEPT:

Online Resources

Epistemology (declaring theoretical underpinning):

Reflexivity (good video expect for the intro):

How many cases are enough? Or the question of “N” size in qualitative research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q2wukXilo4

Grounded Theory:

Validity Checks: Triangulation

Thick Description:

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