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Chapter 5 – Psychoanalysis

In this chapter I shall explore psychoanalysis as a method of reading texts and practices. This means that although I shall to a certain extent explain how psychoanalysis understands human behaviour, this will be done only as it can be extended to cultural analysis in cultural studies. Therefore, I shall be very selective in terms of which aspects of psychoanalysis I choose for discussion.

Before you read


Psychoanalytical (especially Freudian) thinking is very much evident in contemporary popular culture texts today. Watch the following music video of DJ Snake, Lil Jon ‘Turn Down for What’ (2014) [link]. What Freudian themes, do you think, are exploited here?

Preliminary questions

Chapter 5 discusses key concepts of Psychoanalytical Theory, incorporating discussions on Sigmund Freud and ‘the unconscious’, models of the psyche (conscious, unconscious, id, ego and superego) and Freud’s interpretation of dreams. This is followed by a section on how Psychoanalysis was developed by Jacques Lacan using a structuralist approach, to explain what he saw as the three stages of human psychological development – the ‘mirror phase’, the ‘fort da’ game and the ‘Oedipus complex’.

In looking at its application to popular culture texts and practices (cine-psychoanalysis), Laura Mulvey’s work on cinema is also explored in this chapter (note that a critique of her work can be found later in Chapter 7 of Cultural Theory and Popular Culture). A discussion of Slavoj Žižek and Lacanian fantasy concludes the chapter, focusing specifically on how reality and fantasy are linked in a never-ending search for the satisfaction of our desires.

The following questions fall into four categories focusing, in turn, on Freud, Lacan, Mulvey and cine-psychoanalysis and Žižek. 

After you read: Important ideas

Psychoanalysis – as delineated in Chapter 5 – overviews a number of important ideas and their related contexts. Using Quizzes 5.1 and 5.2 revisit those ideas by deciding to what extent the statements below reflect on the core of psychoanalytical thinking as approached by cultural studies.

Quiz 5.1

Choose between true or false

Quiz 5.2

Choose one answer

Important names

Sigmund Freud

Jacques Lacan

Laura Mulvey

Slavoj Zizek

Complementary materials

<Insert Icon 4 here> Watch an excerpt from Žižek’s Guide to Ideology [link]. How does it explain the entanglement of culture, psychology and politics? How does it reflect on “ideological fantasy” and the difference between the imaginary and the real?

Further considerations

Consider films like Psycho (1960; 1998), Alien and its sequels (1979– ), Fight Club (1999), Black Swan (2010), Inception (2010), Night Crawler (2014) and Birdman (2014) among others. Analyse these texts from a psychoanalytical standpoint. What themes are foregrounded?

Following this, on the basis of reading some of the revisions and expansions of Mulvey’s work, decide what you think about films, movie stars and cinema-going. To help you, choose an example of a film from the classic film-noir genre. First, watch it for evidence to support Mulvey’s position. Be as specific as you can. Then, consider critics’ views on her perspective. Which are you convinced by the most? Why?

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