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Chapter 21 – Antecedent Control


Traditional psychological theories of motivation have addressed the “processes of wanting” by postulating inner drives. However, rather than taking this approach, behavioral psychologists have adopted the concept of a motivating operation, adapted by the pioneering behaviorist Jack Michael from Keller and Schoenfeld. A motivating operation is an event or operation that temporarily alters the effectiveness of a reinforcer or punisher—a value-altering effect, and influences behavior that leads to that reinforcer or punisher—a behavior-altering effect. An MAO is an event or operation that temporarily decreases the effectiveness of a reinforcer or punisher and decreases the likelihood of behaviors that normally lead to that reinforcer or increases the likelihood of behaviors that normally lead to that punisher. With a UMAO, the value-altering effect is innate, and the behavior-altering effect is learned.


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